IFCHECK [building]
This is code used in a mobprogram to check certain things to see if other should happen.
Example: if str($r) > 20 checks if random person in room's strength is greater than 20.
IMMUNITY [gameplay]
A player with immunity to a certain type of damage can ignore the affects of it.
Example: 40% resistance to electricity means that 40% of the time one is struck with lightning, one completely ignores the damage from it. See also resistance, susceptability, ward.
*builder note: Setting a mob immune to a certain type of damage implies 95% immunity.
MANA [gameplay]
Also known as spellpoints, powerpoints, etc. Spells require varying amounts of mana in reserve in order to cast them. Mana is regenerated over time in a manner similar to hitpoints and stamina.
MOB [gameplay, building]
Short for mobile, this is the general term used to refer to monsters and other entities not controlled by a player. See also NPC.
MOBPROGRAM [building]
This is code that you can write in a special SMAUG pseudo-code, which, when triggered can cause mobs to do special things. This is used as a general term to apply to the program on objects and rooms as well.
*Builder note: when writing a mobprogram executed by an object or room, keep in mind that it actually gets executed by a special "supermob" whom sets itself to look like the object.
MOVES [gameplay]
NPC [gameplay, building]
This stands for Non-Player Character. These are programmed entities who purpose is to provide quests, clues, and ultimately experience (i.e. by killing them). NPC's have a lot fewer rights than players (PCs) and are (and SHOULD be) programmed to cheat when they fight(although its usually good form to not make it obvious that they are cheating). See also MOB.
NUISANCE [gameplay]
Gaining nuisance levels will make your life more difficult. The effects of nuisance include, but are not limited to, spells and skill not working for no reason, garbled speech and hearing at times, going in direction other than the one you specified, getting hungry and thirsty faster, and command purposefully not being recognized.
ORDER [gameplay]
as a verb: One orders charmed creatures ("charmies") and pets to do one's bidding.
Example: order dog bark would order your pet dog to do the "bark" social.
as a noun: An order is one's specialty in one's class. Once a player has achieved level 10 in their base class, then can become an order. This choice is permanent, and guides the player during development by bonuses (usually 2) to some things, and penalties to others (usually 1).
Example: become knight would allow a fighter to become a member of the order of knights.
PERCEPTION [gameplay]
This stat represents a combination of sight and hearing. It determines how far someone can scan, how likely someone is to notice changes in their environment, and as a bonus/penalty to such skills as listen and awareness.
PK [gameplay]
Player Killer or Player Killing. In this realm everyone is "pk", meaning they are able to kill other players and be killed. Attacking other players in "civilized" (usually towns, cities, etc) areas is frowned upon and will gain you a KILLER flag.
Attacking players who are more than 10 levels below your own will gain you "bad behavior" points. Accumulating bad behavior points will gain you nuisance levels.
There are three different regens, one for mana, hitpoints, and stamina. Base is 100, which means you regen those stats at normal rate for your constitution, wisdom, intelligence, etc. When affected by the spell "soul poison", and your regen is less than 100, any attempts to heal via magical means (i.e. spell, potion, etc) will be less effective.
Example: An hp_reg of 150 means that you recover hitpoints 50% faster than someone of your constitution would.
Example: A person affected by "soul poison" has their mana regen drained down to 45. Casting "restore mana" on this person might normally restore 100 mana to them. In this case though, it would restore only 45. (ouch!)
RESISTANCE [gameplay]
This is how much of certain types of damage one can ignore.
Example: 10% resistance to fire means that every time one is struck with a fire-based attack, one takes 10% less damage from it. See also immunity, susceptability, ward.
*builder note: Setting a mob to be resistant to a certain type of damage implies 20% resistance.
[general]This refers to the base code from which the code that this mud now runs, is derived. It is an acronym of Simulated Medieval Adventure Multi-User Game.
[historical]Smaug was the name of the great evil dragon featured in the works of J.R.R. Tolkein.
STAMINA [gameplay]
This stat replaced "moves". It is now used for more things besides movement. See also songs, grappling, sector.
Being susceptable to certain types of damage means you are more affected by it than others. This is the same thing as negative resistance.
Example: 30% susceptability to cold means that every time one is struck with a cold-based attack, one takes 30% more damage from it. See also immunity, resistance, ward.
*builder note: Making a mob susceptable to a certain type of damage implies 20%.
[building]Triggers refers to the type of mobprogram. These are categorized by when they are checked (i.e. are "triggered")
Example: fight_prog 30 refers to a program which has a 30% chance of being triggered every round that the entity having the program is fighting.
[game play]Some clients (Zmud, Roaclient, etc) are equipped with functions which allow players to trigger actions automatically off specific text from the screen. While it is certainly acceptable to use thse to automatically feed yourself when hungry, using the to auto-rewield your weapon when disarmed is considered bad form at best and if blatent and obvious, possibly grounds for reprimand.
WARD [game play]
This is the general term to describe the system of resistance/susceptability/immunity. It is based on percentages.